We are keeping our spirits up with joie de vivre, creativity and humour. We feel our appearance is less important; we would rather invest energy in our mental health. Hobbies and amusement are given full rein, as is wellness. From this fabulous utopian world we observe the world through rose-tinted glasses.
Wellness Bubble in the interior
Ideally we would like to turn our home into a super deluxe spa resort. The combination of soft tones with transparent materials and round shapes is reminiscent of water which help us to relax. The flowers and plants have an energetic look, like the foliage of an aloe vera. Painted leaves, plumes, grasses and dried flowers are combined with fresh cut flowers. Those are sometimes also painted, creating a colour gradient, particularly in pastel shades.
Wellness Bubble colour palette
The colour chart consists of vivid pastels and pastel neon shades. Examples of these are shades of pink and yellow, flanked by pastel green and lilac. White is less important, and primarily provides the transparency of the overall look. The colours are often used on transparent or semi-transparent surfaces, creating a watery effect.
Credit: Flower Council Holland