Our customer service hours are Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Housed under one roof are four reputable companies that together offer a more than complete range of products. Check out the website here.
Outside opening hours access by PIN or key only. Access to the site and the auction hall is not possible from Friday evening 5 p.m. until Saturday 1:30 p.m., and from Saturday 5 p.m. until Sunday 5.30 p.m. The building is closed during the times listed above.
Collection of logistic resources (containers, load carriers) outside of opening times to order only.
On auction days, unloading can take place until 04:00 at the latest. Unloading regularly takes place later, which means that subsequent processes are not ready on time. Load carriers then do not arrive in the correct auction group or arrive later under the clock. This can have a negative impact on pricing. Plantion will address latecomers and will inform the suppliers concerned about the late delivery of their load carriers. For a smooth process we count on the cooperation of carriers and planners.